Purbanchal University's School of Science and Technology has started a week-long workshop training on the importance of AI in research and development.
From yesterday to next 7 days, the faculties and staffs of all the constituent campuses of the university will be informed about AI and its utility in research and development. "The training will play a crucial role in focusing human resources on research and development", one of the resource-person Dr. Sudan Jha from Kathmandu University said. 57 faculty members and staffs are participating in this training.
Purbanchal University's Vice-Chancellor Dr. Biju Kumar Thapalia emphasized that these kind of trainings will surely help all the people who are involved in research and development. He said, "the role of technology in research and development has been significant in advancing science and technology, leading to creation of new products, and it is so necessary the use of AI should be made widespread for all its facilitation."
Vice-Chancellor Thapalia also said that, studies, research, creation and development cannot be accelerated in the future without being familiar with AI and its potential for future innovation.
In recent years technology has made research and development more efficient and productive, leading to faster discoveries and the ability to share and collaborate globally.