

SN Programs Duration Year/Semester
1 LL. B. 3 Years Yearly
2 B.A. LL.B. 5 Years Yearly
3 LL. M. in Business & International Trade Law 2 Years Yearly
4 LL.M in Human Rights & Gender Justice 2 Years Yearly
5 LL.M. in Criminal Law & Justice 2 Years Yearly
SN College Address District Approved Programs/Quotas
1 P.U. College of Law Biratnagar Morang LL. B.-120, B.A. LL.B.-60
2 Bright Vision Law College Biratnagar Morang B.A. LL.B.-250, LL. M.-100
3 Chakrabarti Habi Education Academy Kathmandu Kathmandu B.A. LL.B.-100, LL. M.-100
4 Kathmandu School of Law Dadhikot Bhaktapur B.A. LL.B.-250, LL. M.-100
5 Khwopa College of Law Dakocha Bhaktapur B.A. LL.B.-60
6 Lumbini Integrated Academy Tilottama Rupandehi B.A. LL.B.-60